Jan 29, 2014

Una ventana a la historia... y antes de eso.

 Cuando visitamos la Capadocia tenemos que tener en cuenta la antigüedad de lo que tenemos a nuestro alrededor.  En el centro geográfico de las principales rutas entre oriente y occidente. Esas que descubrió Marco Polo pero que los comerciantes turcos llevaban utilizando desde más de 2.000 años antes de Cristo.
Ciudades como la romana Vanessa hoy Avanos (de ahí viene el nombre) se asientan sobre restos de la civilización hitita (los mismos hititas del Antiguo Testamento) coetáneos de los faraones más antiguos. Y bajo los restos hititas los de los pueblos prehistóricos anteriores.
Una Cultura singular que excavaba toda su arquitectura, desde las casas hasta los castillos y fortalezas. Dando sus propias reglas a este arte/ingeniería y creando formas aparentemente imposibles. Hoy por culpa de la erosión, y de sus más de 5.000 años de antigüedad, muchas de las entrañas de estas maravillas aparecen a la vista, y pueden ser observadas estancias que en origen estarían bajo mas de 5 metros de roca. Aun conservan la fuerza y la capacidad de hacernos imaginar otros tiempos y otras vidas.

Fly through the seasons.

Flight turns into a unique and fantastic adventure as we swing between the fairy chimneys and ascend over the magnificent Cappadocian landscape. Each season offers you its own unique treasures. 

Plants grow day by day.
Pink, yellow, white....flowers start to bloom all over the land.

Hot in day time but cool in the morning, fly with the brightest sunshine over green land.

Green changes autumn color and harvest time in the vineyards. 

Blankets of snow over the landscapes. Everything's frozen in Winter.

Seasons turn the balloon flight into an exceptional visual experience in different times of the year. Enjoy one of the most unique adventures on earth with us!

Jan 28, 2014

Mesgendir cavuşin

Kapadokyada 1 haftadadır ucuş olmuyordu hava şartlarından dolayı. Bugun hava cok güzeldi ve cok güzel uçuş oldu. Balonda reklam cekimi vardı.Güney kore televizyonu BUSAN NBC  çekim yaptılar. ve güzel bir cekim oldu.- Bekir

Jan 25, 2014







  • 地上レベルで、もしくは2,000フィート辺りの上空で操縦の制限を越える風力があったことが理由といえます。
  • 雨が予想されていた可能性があります。激しい雨は視界を狭めるほか気球の重量を増やすので、リスクのある飛行となります。
  • 嵐、またはとても危険とされている積乱雲の出現が予想されていた可能性があります。
  • 早朝は見通しがきいていたとしても直後にその状態が変化することが予想されていたと思われます。
  • 適切な大気の流れが気球を運んでいく方向に都市があると予想された場合には飛行するのはよい選択肢であるとはいえません。

さらに、詳しくはホームページをご覧ください。 ホームページへ

Jan 24, 2014


Happy to hear that passengers loves our envelope design, most cute one in the sky! We also have several design which are cooperated with international companies. Did you see all of them? 

Rainbow Ballooons Original design
Original design is of course, RAINBOW! We have total 4 of this design for 20 passengers and 12 passengers. This designs looks lovely in the Cappadocian Blue sky!

Cooperative design
We are cooperated with several travel agancies and welcoming thier guests to our flight. Thank you to Parlo tour, Phenix tour, U-tour, Dynastry Travel, Giant tour, Lion Travel.


Herşey çok daha iyi olacak..Bu daha başlangıç.Uzun ve yorucu bir maraton..Ama bizi dikkatle izlemeye devam edin derim ben:) Tüm ekibimizle birlike her yeni bie güne gökkuşağı gibi doğacağız..Selam ve saygılarımla;) - Reservation Murat

Jan 21, 2014

¿Se puede volar en invierno?

La respuesta es bastante sencilla, claro que se puede.
No solo se puede, una de las cosas que hace la Capadocia uno de los lugares más bellos para volar, para los pilotos, es precisamente la forma en que todo cambia a nuestro alrededor con las estaciones. Por supuesto hace frío, es invierno, pero por norma general es un frío bastante seco y es fácil abrigarse. 

A los amigos que vienen de visita en esta época (entre diciembre y febrero) les recomiendo que vengan con rota de  esquí. En realidad suelo recomendarles que compren la ropa de esquí aquí, las marcas turcas son muy buenas y francamente baratas. 

Además, si tenemos tiempo me gusta dar un paseo por el Erciyes (Erllies se pronunciaría en español), si, el volcán. A solo 60 km del centro de la Capadocia tenemos una fantástica estación de esquí. Muchos días después de ver la imponente mole del Erciyes desde el aire, y después de dejar todo listo para el siguiente vuelo, preparamos unos bocatas o compramos algo para una barbacoa y a correr.
Puedes pasar 4 o 5 horas esquiando por un precio francamente ridículo, en una estación de esquí casi sola para ti. A los que no les gusta esquiar, se quedan en unas cabañitas con barbacoa, dispuestas al final de las pistas entre la nieve.

La nieve, no se cual es la razón, pero rara vez nieva a primera hora, en el horario de vuelo. Cubre todo durante la noche con un manto blanco, en el que podemos ver las huellas de los animales y leer sus correrías nocturnas. Imaginándonos las historias que las acompañan. Tras el amanecer esos días después de las nevadas, miriadas de cristales de hielo con sus diminutas y originales formas geométricas,  flotan a nuestro alrededor haciendo que el aire lance pequeños flashes aleatoriamente.
Definitivamente, no solo se puede volar en invierno, yo no me lo perdería por nada del mundo.








Jan 20, 2014

Fly over CAPPADOCIA - Villages

In the villages of Cappadocia, you can see the old and new Turkey beside fairy chimneys. Tourism was established in the last 20 years in this area nevertheless these villages still has traditional seasonal activities which is fun to see.

Çavuşin village
Huge rock which is called Çavuşin Castle. Greek residents used to live there until 1923.

Göreme village
Small village of full of cave houses and fairy chimney. Center of Cappadocia for traveller.

Ortahisar castle and village
There are 3 hisar/Castle in Cappadocia. Bashisar, Ortahisar and Uchisar. Orta means middle in English.

Uchisar Castle and Village
Massive rock with many holes which used to be cave houses. You can climb up to top of the castle and enjoy the magnificent view of Cappadocia landscape.

Jan 11, 2014

Fly Over CAPPADOCIA - Valleys

Cappadocia is a world that is filled with unique treasures. While trekking through the valleys of fairy chimneys, you may explore untouched ares and capture unequalled moments. Most of those trips turn into an adventure as the environment imply invites the travellers to discover its depths.

Love Valley
Do you want to see real Fairy chimeneys?
Then visit Love valley.
One of famous valleys with Fairy chimneys which is located just out side of Goreme village.

Meskendere Valley
Go down to the direction of Rose & Red valley, you will reach to the other valley, called Meskendere.
It is one of the best TAKE OFF area for balloons.

Rose Valley
The valley was named from the rose colored rocks which will change color depending on the time of day.

Zelve Valley
Three valleys combined and called Zevle valley. There is no inhabitants now however it was important settlement and religious area between the 9th and 13th centuries. Christians moved to Zelve during the Persian and Arab invasions.

Pigeon Valley
Between Goreme village and Uchisar village. It is known there are many pigeon live in dovecote which were created ancient residents.

Jan 10, 2014








Jan 9, 2014


Rainbow Balloons have total 7 pilots and happy to introduce one of the pilot, FERHAT Erdoğmüş.
He is a real Entertainer. You can't stop laughing during the flight BUT please don't forget to enjoy beautiful view from balloon!!

Jan 7, 2014


Bu sabah Kapadokya'da yine sis vardı. Kalkış alanı olarak Ortahisar'ı seçtik. Ortahisar'da uçuşa başladık ve daha sonra Zemi Vadisi'ne gittik. Müşterilerimiz uzak doğuluydu ve oldukça memnundu. Uçhisar'a iniş yaptık. Şampanya partisini yaptık ve otellerine gonderdik. Herşey çok guzeldi. - Osman


We are happy to introduce our team.

Rainbow Balloons have 7 pilot and one of the pilot, OSMAN.
He has great family name UÇAR. Do you know what does it means? It means TO FLY in Turkish. Great name!!He is the one who born to FLY;)

Jan 6, 2014


Greeting from Sunny Cappadocia!

Thank you for visiting our BLOG.
It is happy to let you know more about Rainbow Balloons.
This time, we will introduce one of Rainbow Balloons pilot, BEKİR.

BEKİR is Big guy and his appearance would make you feel safe more! .... some of the passenger left the comment like that actually:)
On the other hand, his flight is very gentle and delicate as same as his character.

From castle to castle...

Cappadocia was a little fogy today. We decided to take off from south of Ortahisar "Middle Castle". There was three rock castle in Cappadocia region. Başhisar or the new name Ürgüp, Ortahisar and the last is Uçhisar. First Byzantines then Ottomans used those huge rock formations as fortress for last two thousend years. Hisar means castle in turkish. Our mid-size balloon TC-BMJ flew from Ortahisar "mid castle"  to Uçhisar "far castle" this morning. It was like an old Turkish folk song as named " Kaleden kaleye taş ben olaydım..." . :-)

TC-BMJ Cooperate with Dynasty Travel

Jan 2, 2014

